Friday, April 13, 2012


Recently Avery has learned to hug. If you ask for a hug, you'll usually get one, same goes with kisses. Last night after Avery had his bath and had a few more minutes left to play before bed he did the sweetest thing. Without me saying anything he walked up to Nico who was sitting in the living room and hugged him.
Hugging Nico
After hugging the dog a few times he moved on to Diesel. When Avery hugs the cat it looks more like a body slam but its a hug, a whole body hug.
Hugging Diesel
Whole Body Hug 
Such a soft friend
And actually the cat is more tolerant of hugs then the dog, Diesel moves around the room during a "Hug Attack" but never goes far or hides, Nico on the other hand stands up (making it impossible to hug him) or leaves the room. Hugs all around. Happy Friday!

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