Our Two and Half year old! |
Avery is 2 and a half! What a difference everyday makes, he grows and learns so much everyday. At 2.5 he is a sweet funny happy little boy, who has learned to push his limits, and like every 2.5 year old would like things to be his way. I don't know if I can even begin to list all the new things that he surprises me with being able to do these days.
He still loves to read and sing, and has started to enjoy watching movies, Alvin and the Chipmunks is a favorite, (thank you who ever invented DVD, it is so much easier to fast forward without Avery noticing then it would have been with a VHS!) Avery loves to play outside on all his bikes and trikes, trucks and cars. Tractors or trucks with trailers are is favorite toys right now. He is sleeping in a big boy bed. And is basically the greatest little boy.
He wears size 5 diapers, 2-3T shorts, 3T shirts, 3T jammies, 9 Keens, 8 flip flops, and his favorite color is blue, loves mini muffins and yogurt, fruits, and mac n cheese.