Friday, July 26, 2013

Potty Training

Well its that time, potty training time! Well actually we have been working on potty training for a while now, but nothing to serious. Of course we had a reward system, using the potty equaled fruits snacks or a small plastic fish for his bucket o'fish, or some other little prize or treat. He wasn't real consistent about telling  us he had to go potty so we would put his undies on for awhile with a goal of keeping them dry until bed time or for some other short period of time, which he did great at. Fast forward a week, Wednesday morning when he again woke up with a dry diaper I asked if he wanted to go potty in the potty for treats and he said he had a diaper on why would he need to use the potty? This kid is too smart for his own good. So that is the day we went cold turkey, all undies all the time (well except nap, and bedtime) And guess what it worked!!!
Another milestone down!At least 1/2 a milestone. As we all know there are two types of potty, with #1 "mastered" there was still #2. In order to accomplish this i knew a bigger reward (bribe was needed) might have been required. So while we were at Target Wednesday I let Avery pick out a toy, and told him that he couldn't have it until he went poop on the potty. I feared that he might throw a fit about this but he didn't. I put the truck, trailer, motorcycle combo he picked out up on his shelf where he could see it. He knew what he had to do to get and two days later (today) he earned it!!!!
Avery the Potty Rock Star with his new Rock Star Truck, Trailer & Motorcycles!
Way to go Avery!!! We am are so proud of you!!! Although the second he was done he said he wanted to go again for another Truck....sorry buddy that isn't how it works. So so proud!!! Hopefully we have bought our last diapers!!!!

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